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Development of Arabic Poetry in Spain

Under the reign of Hakam and Abdur Rahman III, Muslim Spain had been flourished in the field of Literature, among all other critics, Cordova was most Known in the field of cultural development. Khalifas of Muslim in Spain not only beautifies its places but also gave hospitality to the scholars. The great historian Ibn Khaldun says about Hakam that He loved literature and Sciences showered his manificiences on men of learning. He also known of the collector of books, for this perpose he send against to all part of the east to by rare manuscripts and bring them back to Cordova. In this way he sophisticated the library of Cordova for the learners, Cordova at the time was the most development city of Spain. By the Arab writer it was called as the Bride of Andalusia‘‘. Cordova under the rule of great khalifas it was in deed a capital to be proud of and city Europe could be compared with her in the beauty of her building as well as the learning and accomplishments of her in habitants, There were almost Seventy libraries, which were considered as the sort house of book and various topic and subject, Spain Muslims were not only the torch bearer culture and civilization but also the medium through which ancient Science, civilization and Philosophy were recovered. Spain become Centre of highest culture Arab Muslim Scholars and Students from different parts of the world flocked to Spain for learning. Grande, Cordova, Seville and teledo became the hones and birth place of eminent Scholars, distinguished poets accomplished Soldiers, etc.

In Poetry the most distinguished poet was Ibn Abdur Rabbi who besides composing poems a large number of books on various topics i.e., History Theology , Tradition, Logic etc, were composed. It is not able here that Muslim Spain under the Patronage of caliphs a large of number of poets like Ibn Hazm, Safiuddin al Hilli, Ibn Khalikan are notable. 

Theme of the Poem:

It is Said that people live in Shilb are the makers of the verse and the ardent Lover of bells-letters, And if we passed by a laborer sanding behind his plough and asked him to recite some verses he could instantly recite some verses or any subject you required. Such type of folk songs were invented in Spain and their structure very similar consisting of several stanzas in which the rhymes were so arrange that master rhymes ending each stanza and running through the whole Poem like a refrain is continually interrupted by various succession of subordinate rhymes as is shown in below.
Many of the Songs and ballads were composed in obscure dialect and without regard to the rules of classical Poetry. Ibn, Quzman who first brought the Zajal (Folk Songs)in literary rank. Considering the whole the Poetry of the Muslim in Europe Shows some characteristics of Eastern Poets. The paralyzing convention from which the laurets of Baghdad and Abppo could not emancipated themselves remained in full free at Cordova and Savella yet the Arabic Poetry was modified by the influence of Persian Culture. The most interesting feature of Spanish- Arabian Poetry are the tenderly romantic feeling which frequently appears in the Love songs. A feeling that sometimes anticipates the attitude of medieval chivalry and in Second Place almost a modern sensibility to the beauties of nature . On account of this Characteristics the Poems appeal to many European readers who do not easily enter into the spirit of Muallaqat or the odds of Mutannabbi.

On the Love Poem here we can mention the name of Ibn Zaydun who was born in 1003 in Spain. He was not only a great Poet but by virtue of his great intellect become the confidential agent of Ibn Jahwar the Magistrate of Cordova. But soon he was dismissed because of love with the beautiful and talented Princes. Who inspired those tender melodies which have caused Poets link with Tibbulas and petrarch. In the hope of seeing her, he went to al Zahra and after many wanderings, he decided to stay at Seville where he was cordially received by his friend Mutadid and composed a Poem addressing Wallada.

Today my longing thoughts recall thee here.
The landscape glitters and the sky is clear.
So feebly breaths the gentle Zephyris gale.
In pity of my grief it seems to fail.
Its is said that the Spanish Ummayads Loved Poetry, Music and Polite literature to a large extent better than the Quran, the Spain Produced Poets in every expects, such were compose in the theme of natural beauty nationalism, Praise to places and other were on elegy, satire etc, Saifuddin Al Hilli was called as the Poet of
nature who composed many poems on nature; Here is and example, where hem beautifully portrays the natural beauty in his Poem.

(1) Juhriyat Warader Rabi Famarhaven Bi urudihi wa Bi nuru bahgatihi wa nuru wurudihu
(Tr. the Spring has arrived. Therefore welcome to its arrival to the light of its Splendour, to the light of its flower)

Another noted Poet of this period was Abul Bogah Saleh bin Sharif Rindhi who mourns in his poem Rasha endalus when Muslims lost the power to rule Spain. He beautifully portrays and makes aware the people of Spain of there past glory and authority. So we find that in every aspects the poet were flourished in Spain. The modern Poets of Arabic are largely indebted to the Poets of Spain for the letter development.